Atlas 6

Understand your data processing environment, gain new insights and reduce risk with our customizable data flow management platform.

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What is Atlas 6?

Maintaining awareness and visibility of your data processing activities is a critical but often elusive goal. Data mapping and visualization efforts can fall short of detecting all data processing activities. Businesses rely on either stakeholder surveys or automated scans, but both have their weaknesses. Those with complex processing environments struggle with automated scanning efforts while surveys often fail to elicit complete responses.

Atlas 6 was built by professionals working in privacy, security, and data governance who wanted to address these real-world problems we encounter every day. Our tool makes it easy for you to combine the ease of automated scans with the wealth of insights from your business users to build a complete map of your data processing activities. Atlas ingests automated scans from your existing tools. Business stakeholders then validate this initial information and provide additional detail and context as needed. Once the information has been obtained, Atlas can display, search, and analyze your data flow maps the way that best fits your organization’s needs.  

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Key Benefits

Atlas 6 from Privily allows you to make new insights about your sensitive data processing by mapping your dataflows, usage, and storage in a way that is intuitive, searchable, and customizable to your preferences. Atlas combines the information of your automated scans and stakeholder input to produce a bird’s-eye view of your processing landscape. Our built-in tools allow you to drill down and focus on specific data types, classifications, systems, vendors, custom tags and more. While we’re proud of Atlas’s ability to display the complete picture of your processing landscape, Atlas also makes it easy to display just what you need.

  • data visibility icon

    Comprehensive Data Visibility

  • compliance icon

    Enhanced Compliance

  • reduced risk icon

    Reduced Risk

Comprehensive Data Visibility

Gain comprehensive insight into how sensitive information is used and stored across your systems with our new innovative data flow mapping platform. Privily’s technology enables you to model all your organization’s sensitive data usage in a searchable and visualizable platform to get a bird’s eye view of your critical data landscape.

Enhanced Compliance

Essential to all organizations, regulatory compliance starts with visibility and awareness. Atlas 6 incorporates patent-protected technology that allows you to apply your unique requirements, policies, data classifications, and entity structure to your data flow maps. Atlas makes it easy to search on the combined knowledge base provided by your automated scans and stakeholder input and focus on the important parts to better identify risks of non-compliance. You can also set customizable indicators of compliance or security risks to see where your processing activities deviate from business and compliance requirements.

Reduced Risk

Atlas 6 detects and highlights departures from set requirements to help you address risk early. Your policies and procedures are designed to control your processing activities and reduce risk. With Atlas 6, you can identify minor deviations and get ahead of them before they become major issues. Atlas can also shine light on unauthorized processing such as purpose creep or completely unauthorized shadow IT. When Atlas is aware of your policies and what should be in your environment, there is nowhere for noncompliant processing to hide.

Atlas 6 Features

Once you have your information in Atlas, you can benefit from the unprecedented efficiency and flexibility of Atlas’s mapping functions. Whether you compare against swimlane type data flow maps, spreadsheets, custom tools, or something else, you will find Atlas offers efficient mapping options, more ways to display and customize your maps, and more ways to search and focus on just the parts you need. 

Read more about the features built into Atlas 6 below!

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Customizable Setup

Atlas 6 lets you visualize your data processing activities on your terms. Use preprogrammed settings for data classifications and other settings or customize any way you want. As you use Atlas, it will intuit implied details about your data flows to save your teams’ time and effort but you are always free to customize to fit your needs. You can also define custom tags for easy searching and organizing. Atlas also supports changing your custom settings across multiple organizations or across different divisions of a large organization.

Easy Search and Drilldown

Atlas 6 lets you visualize and zoom in on what you need to see. If you need to see only your processes that rely on a certain tool or vendor or impact a given jurisdiction, Atlas makes it easy to drill down and focus in on only what you need to see. Use Atlas’s built-in attributes or create any tagging structure you can imagine. Once you have found the parts of your processing activities you would like to focus on, Atlas also makes it easy to organize and display your information as needed for any audience or presentation. 

Modular Map Creation

Many companies use processing steps that are common across many activities. When you need to map similar steps more than once, Atlas makes it easy to replicate the parts you need. You can use our modular functionality to avoid manually creating common steps used across many processes or recreate similar, but slightly different processes. You can also have processes refer to each other or embed one process within another.

Built for Collaboration

Atlas 6 enables easy collaboration between your teams and combines the best of automated scans and stakeholder surveys. At Privily, we know automated scans can provide a great start to a data flow mapping effort, but they cannot get you all the way there. True completion requires collaboration and input from your business stakeholders who run your systems and processes. You can use the built-in Atlas survey function to validate maps and clarify ambiguities. This approach also allows you to combine the best of “bottom up” automated scanning and “top down” stakeholder surveys.

Quick and Easy Map Creation

Atlas 6 allows you to create and modify data flow maps in a way that works for you. You can build each map with data entered in text form or use our icon-based drag-and-drop functionality. Atlas will can produce initial maps based on your text input or imported data, but you can always edit these yourself to get them just right. Our drag-and-drop data flow map capabilities allow for easy and intuitive initial map creation. Once the basic map is in place, you can customize and add final details through text entry or imported scan data. 

Support Complex Organizations

Atlas 6 supports compartmentalized settings and access controls. Apply settings like data classification and tagging schemes at the level of your choosing and control who has access to what. Your privacy office can set up and your configurations across your organization for all users. Grant read or write access as needed across business units. Users can be granted access for limited functions such as answering a validation survey question. Atlas can even handle compartmentalized settings with accompanying roles and access controls for consulting organizations with multiple clients. 

What Our Clients Say

Privily saved us over 7500 labor hours on just a small sampling of data from a recent discovery scan.

Data Governance Analyst

$60B Grocer/Pharmacy Conglomerate

Privily is the best thing that could have happened to our Privacy Program


US National Hospitality Brand