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Our professional services team is ready to assist you in implementing Atlas and customizing it for your environment and preferences. We always include an appropriate allotment of professional services time to make sure we get your Atlas implementation right. If you already have a developed privacy program, we listen carefully to make your Atlas implementation sync with your program’s needs. 

Frequently, we find clients are building or their privacy program at the same time they’re updating their tools, and all privacy programs are constantly evolving. Once we’re onboard with a client, our professionals can assist with closely related tasks to help you grow your privacy and data governance program. This also presents a great opportunity to further customize and configure your Atlas implementation to best fit your program.

Our professionals draw from backgrounds in computer programming, security, and privacy and experience in small and large consulting organizations, and collectively hold decades of experience and multiple privacy and security certifications.

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privily implementation assistance

Privily Implementation Assistance

The most common assistance we provide at Privily is setting up and configuring your instance of Atlas. However, we do not do this blind or in a vacuum. We want your implementation of Atlas to work for you and fit your organization structure, needs, policies, and procedures. Our consultants will work with you to determine key facts and preferences, such as your data classification scheme, roles, and key resources such as applications or third parties to include. 

While Atlas is intuitive and adaptable enough that our assistance is not a necessity, we find many clients benefit from the assistance and our availability during the initial setup period is a great way to facilitate a gradual handoff and smooth launch. While we’re there, we can also assist with other closely related tasks. 

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Data Inventory and Process Mapping

The next related type of assistance Privily can provide is conducting a data inventory and process mapping for you. We can leverage the combination of your scanning output and stakeholder contributions that works for your organization. Our professionals will consolidate your information, seeking further input from stakeholders as needed. Of course, we can compile your initial set of processing activities in Atlas, with any additional reports or documentation you require. During this process we can also configure your instance of Atlas to set you on the right path to maintain your data processing maps internally using Atlas.

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Privacy Assessments

The data your process and the activities you use drive your risk and compliance profile. Our consultants are experienced in privacy and security implementation, compliance, and auditing and can help you draw actionable insights from what we find. Our team will consider important factors such as what industries and regions your organization collects data and operate in, your privacy notices and promises to consumers, third-party relationships, your existing controls, and more to identify areas of risk and suggested remediations. Our teams can review against standard frameworks such as NIST, ISO, or your preferred framework and provide actionable suggestions to maintain security, compliance, and trust. Our team can also leverage our findings to help you identify indications of risk to monitor using Atlas.

Privacy Program Builds

Going beyond assessing, Privily’s consultants can help your build your privacy program to meet the needs identified in your assessment. Our consultants have assisted organizations large and small with tasks such as configuring a privacy office, communicating privacy knowledge throughout your organization, and implementing policies and procedures.

Our team can work with your to consider your organizations structure and needs and suggest various privacy office configurations, staffing, and organization models. We can also help you develop a program charter and key privacy policies. However, we believe a true Privily differentiator is our ability to go beyond general policies and help craft granular step-by-step procedures. Our professionals are familiar with the key tasks of a privacy office, including PIAs, vendor management, and responding to data subject access requests, among others. 

Our hands-on assistance can go beyond general statements and provide detailed and customized assistance such as PIA templates customized to your needs or detailed procedures, such as exactly what data on what systems to provide access, deletion, or correction to for DSARs. We operate on the principal that our policy and procedure deliverables should speak for themselves and contain all the information your teams need to run the tasks within their scope, forming the initial nucleus of your privacy program.

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What Our Clients Say

Privily saved us over 7500 labor hours on just a small sampling of data from a recent discovery scan.

Data Governance Analyst

$60B Grocer/Pharmacy Conglomerate

Privily is the best thing that could have happened to our Privacy Program


US National Hospitality Brand